Thursday, January 24, 2008


Let's Give'em Something to Talk About!

Finally. You're marketing has paid off and you've successfully landed yourself a new client. Now, the real work begins. But make no mistake, your marketing efforts are far from over. As a matter of fact, they've only just begun!

Your next marketing mission, should you choose to accept it, is to turn this client into a raving fan. (Oh, and just so we're clear, "raving fans" are those folks who generate lots of new business for you by constantly singing your praises to everyone they meet.)

So, how do you turn a client into a raving fan?

By giving them something to talk about!

When people are passionate about something they talk about it--be it their favorite baseball team, Presidential candidate or restaurant--why not have it be you and your business?

Fortunately, there are countless ways to create a buzz about your service and get people talking.

For example, I know of one personal trainer who presents a single rose to all of his female clients who have children when Mother's Day rolls around.

Another client of mine, a Realtor, gives her clients who have just moved into the area, an attractive three-ring binder that not only contains her contact information, but also dozens of personal referrals for everything from dog walkers to tree surgeons.

My personal favorite is to make a big deal out of my client's birthdays.

The process of creating raving fans doesn't need to be complicated or costly. Simply sending a handwritten note to just one client in your database each day will help you create hoards of loyal fans over time.

Now it's your turn! What are you currently doing in your business that is remarkable enough to make people tell others about you? What could you do differently to help you create your own club of raving fans?

If you're looking for more ideas and a step-by-step approach on how to create your own "raving fan action plan," you'll want to check out the The Client Generator Boot Camp 8-Week Marketing Program!

(c) Connie Scholl 2006

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this blurb with it: "Connie Scholl, of works with Professionals & Small Business Owners who want to generate more clients and make more money." Fo*r your FREE 7-Day MARKETING e-Course, visit

Connie Scholl of provides self- employed service professionals with simple, effective and low-cost marketing solutions designed to quickly jump-start sales and consistently generate new clients. Get free marketing tips and "how-to-articles" at http://www.conniecoach.comEvanne Blog55450
Violette Blog96981

Looking For An Internet Home Business Opportunity? Is An Online Business Right For You?

The internet provides a very convenient and valuable platform to start an online home business but it must be handled with the same attitude and basic principles applied to a normal business. Do not be deceived by the promise of easy money on the internet otherwise you will certainly feel that you have been betrayed.

Avoid being sucked in by all the hype you will see on your monitor when searching for an internet home business opportunity. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and carefully think about what it takes to run an online home business and then decide if you are up to the challenge. This way instead of being disappointed or disillusioned you will be motivated to persevere and work hard to achieve success.

First and foremost the most important ingredient to a successful and profitable online home business is YOU. Nothing will happen unless you start out with the right attitude, approach and understanding that the internet is not a source of instant easy money nor is it a place that you can generate internet income without having to do any work.

Take a few minutes to think of the people you know that do own their own business, whether it be a service station, corner caf, computer repair shop or restaurant. Do you know the hours they work? Do they stop work when they close their doors to the public? No doubt, especially when they are just starting out they are taking work home and doing the bookkeeping after hours.

There is no doubt they work hard and long hours. They will have experienced good and bad times. But they are their own boss and are striving for financial freedom. Those serious about succeeding with their own business always work harder for themselves than they do for a boss.

Starting an online home business and turning it into a profitable home internet business requires the same approach and attitude. You need to be a hard worker continually prepared to learn, patient, determined, dedicated, persistent, as well as have the courage to persevere and keep going when the going gets tough.

The great advantage of starting an online home business is that it can be done from home, after hours for only a few dollars but this is perhaps the reason why so many assume that because it costs next to nothing to set up, compared to a normal business, it must be easy to make money doing absolutely nothing.

Creating a profitable home business online not only takes time, but daily consistent hard work and this is one of the reasons many people become disillusioned and quit. On starting an internet home business a beginner really has no idea of what lies ahead. But if they have the qualities mentioned above, stick at it and persevere they will look back after a year with pride and absolute amazement at what they have learnt, achieved and only then truly understand what it took to build a home internet business.

The journey is exciting and rewarding, even with its up and downs. There is no gain without pain and that is all part and parcel of building an internet home business with the aim of creating a second income or building a full time home business income.

This article may appear harsh and I may have disillusioned some readers, but you know what? I wish I had read an article like this prior to throwing valuable dollars down the drain and wasting many hours trying to make an income online without really knowing what I was doing or what was really required of me.

But, I was very persistent and never gave up and I finally found a program with full training and support. Now when I look back I cannot believe what I have learnt and what I have achieved and I hope that by highlighting the qualities required as well as the truth about building a successful online home business I will help more people achieve their financial dreams on the internet.

Cynthia Minnaar is the owner and webmaster of, the site for internet home business opportunities, online business ideas, internet income and internet marketing training. You can start your own online home business today with an Income Generating Website set up free within 24 hours. You may publish my article if you include the bioVerena Blog29705
Vinny Blog64004

Traffic Exchanges Revisited - Part Two

In order to maximize exposure for your websites and reap the most benefit from the traffic exchanges, you need to join a few programs and be able to surf more than one exchange at once. My recommendation is to download a browser that will open in tabs. There are a few choices available but my favorite is a tabbed browser called AMBrowser. I prefer this browser mainly because of its efficiency in blocking the ever so annoying pop up in all its different manifestations.

What I do to make my surfing manageable is to group my exchanges in bunches of 4 or 5 and then assign days of the week to each group when I will do my surfing of these particular group of exchanges. Once on AMBrowser, which by the way, to the best of my knowledge and experience, will not put adware or spyware in your PC, look to the upper left hand side and click on "favorites." You will see "add to favorites" on top. Click on that and a small window will open where you will be able to name your folders and save them. It is very simple and straight forward. Create a folder and call it "Monday surfing" or something like that. Assign 4 or 5 traffic exchanges to the folder and save. Repeat in that manner for as many days as you wish to surf. The whole idea is to break down your surfing so that the same is not this monumental, boring-as-hell task involving 20 traffic exchanges where you will have to spend 25 hours a day in front of your PC or laptop. I usually surf for about an hour or so from Mondays through Thursdays.

I begin by opening up AMBrowser, going to favorites, clicking on my day folder and opening all 5 links. The exchanges open up in tabs. I click on a tab, view the website until the counter runs out or until I'm satisfied that I have seen enough. I then go to the next tab and repeat the process for about an hour.

One little trick that will make the surfing experience easier is the following: Once you sign up with the traffic exchange, you will be assigned a link called the "startpage." This is the page you will be surfing from and it is tagged with your user ID. You often get the link to this page on the confirmation email the exchange sends you when you first sign up. Anyway, sign on to your account, find your startpage link, click on it and save this to your favorites instead of the home page URL. By doing that, you will save yourself the trouble of having to log in to the traffic exchange the next time you are scheduled to surf as the browser will open up (in many cases) right on the surfing page and you will be able to pick up where you left off.

To conclude I will add that the best way to gain the most out of the traffic exchanges is to build (dare I say it?) a downline by advertising your assigned promotion link. Exchanges offer compensation several levels deep where you get a percentage of you referrals' traffic. So if you recruit a whole bunch of people under you and they in turn recruit more people and so on, that can translate into thousands of free "hits" to your websites a day. There are many people out there who get fifty, sixty-thousand hits a day and more to their websites without them having to lift a finger anymore because they took the time and had the patience to build their downline. I hope to be one of those people within a few months.

Lourdes Sanchez is an aspiring internet marketer. Fanchon Blog77567
Fayina Blog94063

Developing the Best Internet Marketing Strategy

After spending the past decade talking with individuals wishing to promote their products and web sites online one theme appears to repeat itself and may be at the root of the marketer's problem.

Wikipedia states that:

"Real-life marketing primarily revolves around the application of a great deal of common-sense; dealing with a limited number of factors, in an environment of imperfect information and limited resources complicated by uncertainty and tight timescales. Use of classical marketing techniques, in these circumstances, is inevitably partial and uneven."

The average advertiser often perceives himself or herself as a full-fledged "marketer." This, too often, is far from reality. As the quote above shows there is an abundance of misinformation and limited, trustworthy resources on which one begins to build a marketing base. Choose the wrong ones and you are running around in circles, with little to show for your efforts.

Developing the best internet marketing strategy can be difficult. It must encompass a wide variety of services, methods, and techniques to even begin to show results. Often, the web site owner chooses one particular method, applies himself or herself to that task for a short period of time and then puts it on the back burner. They find that either the technique they decided upon was too hard to implement or too time consuming to pursue.

Then it's off to find the next "biggest and best" idea.

The lack of follow thru compounded with life pressures forces many to give up effectively working their online marketing strategy. Reviewing their plan of action, often it is discovered that there really is no method - just a hit and miss approach to try to gain web site recognition from a virtual world full of competitors.

Cost effective internet marketing and a solid online marketing strategy are key elements to your online business success. Following the latest and greatest fad becomes an all-consuming monster because reality tells us that there just isn't enough time in the day to work a fully developed online marketing strategy... not if you are going it alone. To further hinder one's efforts, many try to discover the "secret" from one online source or another. This, too, came chew up time and money without shedding any real light on effective marketing.

Individuals, small businesses, and large corporations running successful endeavors online have one thing in common - a solid marketing strategy and effective ways to implement their plans.

Remember, there is a good reason sayings like "Rome wasn't built in a day!" remain true even to today. Haphazard marketing brings haphazard (and frustrating) results.

Theresa Cahill has over two decades of online and offline marketing and puts that experience to use assisting businesses and store front owners in promoting their websites. FREE online marketing strategy analysis at Blog98061
Farica Blog22424

Make Profit From The Internet - A Fairytale?

Is there any difference between the idea of working from home at the Internet and the believing that there is gold at the end of the rainbow? If you are believing that it should be as simple as clicking the mouse to to make a living out of the Internet. Well, then there isn't much of a difference.

You may have been lead to believe that all you have to do is create a web site and the money will rain over you day and night. Or if you have a unique product that no one else have thought of, you will be home free. If you have that niche product and a flashy web site, then you must really be able to just sit back and watch the money rolling in, right?

You have bought the message from aggressive advertisements: You can get everything you want right now. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. However, if you are willing to to work for what you desire, and allow it to take time, you will be able to make a good living out of the Net.

There is no secret how to be profitable online. The information you need is easy accessible all over the world wide web. Prepare yourself for some serious research. When you have found all the necessary information, you need to use your new knowledge. It's time to get started.

Every time you are out on the Internet looking for information, you'll face advertisements telling you that making money on the Internet is a piece of cake. All of them will tell you a similar story: This is the ultimate secret revealed, purchase this idea and the money will be flooding your bank account, starting yesterday.

In order to get your business a fair chance you need to do some planing. You need to know what you want to do and you simply must realize that it is going to take hard work and commitment to make money on the Internet. Anyone telling you something else, just want you to buy his "make money on the Internet" fairytale.

Let's look at it this way, if you intend to start a regular business in your hometown, you'll have to put in a lot of hard work, passion and determination to make profit and stay in business. You must treat your Internet business in the same manner.

One of the perks coming with an Internet business is that once you have everything in place and working, you actually can spend less time on it. Before you reach that position though, you'll have to face the reality. Nobody will hand it to you on a silver platter. You want it, you are the one who make it happen.

Ove Nordkvist has created his web site for generating small business ideas. Visit to design your Internet work from home business idea Eulalie Blog67766
Fedora Blog22439

The Right ECommerce Home Business Plan

Most of all new ecommerce home businesses fall short of success. The reason for this is that most jump into the idea of working from home without doing the proper research to see what it takes.

Top reasons these failures occur:

Trying to sell outdated or liquidated products at highly marked up prices.

Competition is flooding the market with extremely low prices in an attempt to sell more.

Poor company branding strategy causing customers to be timid of your business.

Bad customer service practices causing no repeat sales.

Unable to accept credit card payments.

No real product wholesale suppliers, buying from a middle man.

Marketing to the wrong demographic.

These are just some of the pitfalls and plights of most home business ecommerce entrepreneurs. Like any other business in the world;

You have to have a business plan.

Your goal cannot just be to sell a bunch of products and make a lot of money. The internet is a competitive market and it is not as easy as some people would like you to think.

A lot goes into running a successful business, with knowing your product market, knowing your competition, having a business branding strategy, building web popularity, and having the ability to meet your customers needs, having a real legal tax paying business, and sourcing products with real wholesale suppliers.

All successful people think in the long term and your business plan should outline a set of goals all geared toward meeting your main goal. For your business to grow you need to have a list of criteria that should be met to obtain success.

More information about why you need a business plan can be found from my website.

Jason Collins - Ecommerce Solutions Developer and Home Business Success StrategistFilide Blog76677
Vita Blog95398

How To Develop Your Information Marketing Strategy

Information marketing - also called infopreneuring - is a method to take information you own, have licence to, or can have created for you, and then offer it to others for a profit or any other advantage.

If in the process you also enrich your audience, you have a mutually beneficial process in place - one which will help grow and build your value as an information marketing specialist.

To get maximum leverage from your information marketing efforts, you must have an integrated strategy that will guide all your efforts at promoting yourself as an infopreneur.

1. What is your 'product'?

Any information marketing strategy begins by knowing what you plan to offer. In other words, what is your product?

It might be a book you have written. Or an audio tape you have recorded. Or a DVD movie you shot of yourself doing something or teaching people what you know about a topic.

Or it may be more intangible, like your time on the telephone or in person, or your presence at a seminar or conference. Whatever format you choose to deliver your information becomes your 'product' - and your information marketing strategy will vary depending on that.

2. Who is your 'audience'?

Every information marketing system is targeted at a crowd of prospects. The bigger this crowd, the better. But for maximum impact, you need to know more about your audience.

Who or what is your perfect target market? It could be individuals, or groups, or corporations and businesses, or countries, organizations, even brands or ethnic groups.

Your information marketing strategy will be tailored to fit the specific needs, wants, desires, characteristics, preferences and tastes of this audience - and will get you massive results from your infopreneuring activities.

3. Where do they live or gather?

For targeting your information marketing efforts to get the biggest return on investment per dollar spent, you need to know where your market lives or gathers - so you can get your marketing message in front of them most effectively.

An ad for a Lexus sportscar would do badly in a soup kitchen. And a promotion for a golfing book would get very few sales in a nursery school. Yet most information marketing activities fail to specifically target their market - and not surprisingly fail.

4. What is your profit model?

Have you heard the phrase: "Build a better mousetrap and they'll beat a trail to your front door?"

Well, maybe they will - but unless you've figured out a way to sell that mousetrap at higher than your cost, or found another way to turn a profit, all that demand won't do you a bit of good.

As an information marketing strategist, you need to be clear on your profit model - and figure out your marketing budget or the amount you can afford to spend to attract new customers, without losing money or for maximum profits.

This barely scratches the surface of information marketing strategy. There are many more things to consider - and many nuances to master in these broad categories. And that is why it is critically important to keep learning, growing your knowledge base, and studying other material that teach you to be a better infopreneur.

Information marketing is a valuable skill to own in today's connected online world. Be a master infopreneur, and you can build massive wealth and gain financial freedom faster than ever before.

Internet infopreneur Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian has helped hundreds of business owners build online information empires. He shares powerful tips, ideas and secrets about achieving success and building massive wealth from information products in his "Internet Infopreneur Tips" ezine. Register for free at InfoProfitz - - or send any email to infopre-tips@aweber.comErinn Blog24501
Ester Blog28908

Are Online Ads Worth Your Buck?

Whenever you are surfing the internet looking for information you will see a plethora of online advertising offering virtually every conceivable product or service under the sun. As more people hit the information highway, often shunning traditional information sources such as print, television and radio, advertisers are also making the switch. Online advertising can a cost-effective method of reaching web surfers and getting their message in front of a different audience.

One of the biggest advantages of online ads is also one of the biggest disadvantages. Online ads can reach a wider audience and if you have a global internet business can expand the boundaries of your customer base. In most cases you have the ability to determine the types of sites on which your online ads will appear, but in many instances once you place the ad, especially if going through an online ad agency, your site could end up on sites that are inconsistent with you beliefs.

If your business is strictly locally based, with print, television or radio advertising you can restrict the geographic locations where the ads will be heard or seen. For many local-only businesses this type of target advertising reaches only those are likely to be interested in your business and be reasonably expected to visit in person. It all depends on whether you want your advertising effort to have a shotgun effect or a rifle shot.

While a shotgun approach can reach more people in the least amount of time in a much wider area, it will also have many of the ads whiz out into cyberspace with no contact with potential customers. With the rifle approach you can aim your advertising at a specific customer base and even with a potentially higher cost can often realize a better return on the advertising dollar.

When considering online advertising you have to look at the potential return to determine if they are worth your investment. With internet advertising, as will many other forms, it is a numbers game. If you anticipate that 10 percent of those who see the ad will respond and ten percent of those respondents will result in a sale, you should consider that 10,000 advertisement in print media would see 1,000 respondents resulting in 100 sales.

With online ads, your advertisement may reach a million viewers, resulting in 100,000 respondents and 10,000 sales. Weighing these purely hypothetical numbers would seem to make online advertising a good investment. However, depending on the placement of online ads, such as on sites that customers for your products or service rarely if ever visit, the number of respondents may be considerably lower, reducing the potential return on your online ad investment.

If you have an online business, it may pay to advertise where your customers are looking. If your business is completely offline, advertising online may simply make the business with which you advertise the recipient of any income.

Copyright © 2007 Vadim Kirienko owns the Home Business Resource Directory where you can find everything you need to start, run and grow a home based business. For further information, go to => Blog18677
Evania Blog95242

Tip No. 1 to Escape the Rat Race: Start a Home Business

Nine out of ten employees have had thoughts of entrepreneurship at one time or another, whether they admit it or not. No matter how great the job and how great the pay, sometimes the pressures of a 9 to 5 job can get to you. Sometimes the idea of being in control, of making decisions solo, of working for as little and as long as you like sends surges of excitement throughout your brain and leads you to daydreaming and brainstorming by your lonesome.

Its not impossible. Some of the biggest companies and the most successful businesses we now know and respect began life as home businesses. Dont believe me? Check out Banana Republics roots.

If youre seriously falling out of love with your job, finding less and less joy in working and the thought of looking for another employer freezes you from head to toe, then maybe those dreams of entrepreneurship might just work for you. If you earnestly believe this is your path, then here are a few tips to keep your fires burning.

Got the dream? Make it work.

You are only a king in your dreams. When you wake up, there wont be a throne waiting to catch you when you fall. While dreaming is an excellent way of generating ideas, it really will earn you zero dollars if you dont see if they actually work. Visualizing yourself enjoying the fruits of your home business may prepare your mind for future achievement, but in the end it is your hands that will determine whether your dream will work or not.

Have a plan

Plans are the blueprint of your dreams, the closest you will get to touching them at this point in time. Dont be afraid of lists and make one detailing your personal characteristics, abilities and weaknesses. Break down your dreams into smaller bits and match your abilities with those units. This will let you see what you lack in terms of preparation and resources.

List down as many sources of information and supplies as you can and try to get what you need day after day. You may be approaching your dream home business in small increments, but this means youre moving forward. And moving forward means progress.

Use what you know

The old adage, work with what you love and the money will follow is only true if you go in with enough skills and knowledge about your service or product. The entrepreneurs who actually became success stories while claiming zero to little knowledge of the business are more the exception than the rule.

Accept what you can and cannot do and concentrate on tasks that can make effective use of your abilities. As for aspects you know little or nothing about, get help.

Seek an alternative

Sometimes you just really want to test the waters, so to speak. Its not really the fear and apprehension, but its more likely that you have no idea what the risks will be until you actually expose yourself. If you dont want to take a full dive, then go part-time.

Getting a feel of the business part-time will allow you to experience its operations without too much risk while giving yourself the opportunity to push your business using a hands-on approach. Plus, theres less apprehension factor since you have the assurance of your full time job.

Learn from the masters

If possible, get someone to teach you the ropes. Even the best sources from books, magazines, the internet and graduate schools will not be enough to help you survive the shaky initial stages of building your home business. Learn from someone whos been there, do your research, ask questions.

Seeing green

The prospect of earning unlimited income is probably one of the most attractive possibilities in setting up a home business. After all, you will be your own boss. Every single cent you earn from your little venture will go to no one elses pocket but yours. But when it comes to earnings, its worth knowing that you need money to make money.

It is also important that you keep your expectations to a realistic minimum.

To the brave belongs the prize.

Youll never know what youll get until you do it. Possibilities can only be turned into opportunities if youre willing to have a go at it. Luck and feng shui may calm your jitters, but they wont do much for you if you just sit around biting your nails. If you want it hard enough, then make it come true. Your dream home business can only materialize if you and no one else, make it so.

Thomas Salathe:Fallon Blog44071
Vitoria Blog61671

The Key to Creating Authority Sites

I have been having fun lately making a few changes here and there to my website. Change is good in the online world because it makes your site a dynamic one rather than giving your visitors the same, unchanging information that won't make them come back for more. It is more than just change that brings your visitors back to your site though you also want to provide quality, useful content that gives the visitor something they can sink their teeth into something of real value. That is what an authority site is one that provides valuable, changing content in an easy-to-use, interactive way that will keep your visitors interested and anxious for the next updates.

There are websites out there that are just slapped up quickly to earn an extra buck for example, Adsense sites that are nothing more than a one-page ad. The problem is that they provide no dynamic content and are not sites that other sites would want to link to. If you have sites wanting to link to yours, then you probably have some quality content that makes people and other authority sites want to link to your site, which in turn gives your site more authority.

One of the main features of an authority site is that while it will be focused on a specific niche, or market, it will also have a general domain, and many sub-domains on a variety of topics. For example, a site on how to make money online could have a general domain like "Making Money Online", and sub-domains within that such as "Advertising", "Marketing", "Website Promotion", "Website Design", "Prospecting", and so on. The reason this is a good way to setup your site is because it drives traffic to you general domain, as well as driving traffic to each sub-domain.

Next, you want to make sure your site is easy to use and makes the user experience and access as simplified and interactive as possible. One way to do this is by creating articles, posting them on your site, and creating a section for comments whereby visitors can interact with you, ask questions, and get more information if they want it. You can provide online assistance, a forum, update your blog at least weekly, and make your site easy to navigate between pages so visitors can quickly get from one point to another and back again. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important in creating an authority site, but ease-of-use and interaction for visitors, and creating something that is pleasing for them that will make them return to your site should be of greater importance.

Last but not least, advertisements should not be the main focus of your website your content should be. Of course we want some advertising on our sites, and many people use Adsense and make decent money from it. But the placement and even the design of your ads can make a huge difference in how many clicks those ads get. If your ads blend in with your site, in both color of text, and placement within the content, you can expect more clicks than if the ads stand out on their own, are in a different color then the rest of the text, and are placed off to the side where no one is interested in clicking because they know it's just an ad.

If you remember that an authority site is mainly about creating a positive user experience and good content within a specific niche by having sub-domains, writing good articles, blogs, making the site easy to navigate, and blending the ads in with the content, then you are on your way to owning an authority site that other authority sites will want to link to.

Liane Bate owns a Plugin Profit Site web business, is a member of Success University, and the IAHBE.Filide Blog76677
Freddie Blog17063

Internet Marketing and the Golfer Mentality

As a qualified PGA golf professional who taught golf for 15 years before injury and moved into Internet Marketing as a career, I was amazed to see the striking similarities between the approaches of people to two significantly different activities. I now focus on teaching IM and apply very similar principles to my Internet Marketing clients as I used to my golf students.

The hunger of people for quick fix solutions has always been something that has intrigued me. I look at society and see successful people and admire the work that has gone into them achieving their goals, no matter what field they are in. The top Doctor's and Lawyers of any age have spent years learning their trade. Sportsmen such as Tiger Woods work at incredibly high level on their sport to stay at the top. Celebrities such as Gordon Ramsay, achieve their status through incredible application and work ethics.

It is clear that a high percentage of society look at these people and want similar lifestyles but without an idea of the work involved to see the finished product that we see in our operating theatres, sports arenas, courtrooms and tv screens. The two fields I work in are no different.

Both golf and Internet Marketing allow for the quick fix mindset to take over and ruin our hopes of improvement. both industries are susceptible to sensationalist headlines, designed to draw in consumers.

In Golf, magazines will boast headlines such as "Break 80 in 7 days" or "Hit it 40 yards longer with Tigers method" Equipment manufacturers will boast that their ball, clubs even golf shoes will have you hitting the ball longer and straighter than ever before.

In Internet Marketing similar headlines would be "Earn $20,000 a month in just two hours a day at your PC" or "Warning: You're about to discover the affiliate secrets that the gurus have been keeping from you. The methods the real super affiliates use to make $500 per day, finally revealed by the one guy they trusted to keep quiet" as one particular ebook sales page boasted. The writers of the copy know exactly what buttons to press and which mindset they are tapping into.

The "desperation" mindset, "the easy life" mindset and the "all I have to do is buy the product/magazine/ebook and I am set for life" mindset.

As anyone following this route will know it generally ends in disappointment, and then giving up.

How do I know?

When my career in golf was ended with a back injury, I slipped into the desperation mindset, all of a sudden I was panicing where the money would come from. I found the wonderful tool of the internet, and the sensational headlines of instant riches had me reaching for my credit card. $2000 later I had about 50 ebooks, I had read about 10 and had not made a dime.

Every day I had a new Internet Marketing thought that was going to make me rich, then the next ebook arrived and I was away on something new.

Then as I opened a credit card bill, which had 15 internet marketing products on it, the thought dawned on me that I was no different as a newcomer to Internet Marketing and trying to make money online, than the golf students I had taught for years.

Day after day I would stand on the range and listen to golfers tales of woe. They had watched every DVD, read every magazine, listened to the guys on the TV, spent $3000 on the latest equipment, BUT STILL COULD NOT break 100.

I used to spend my first 40 minute session with such customers, not hitting a golf ball, but by clarifying the thought process that led them to believe that a magazine article could instantly improve them, or a new driver would go 50 yards further than the one they used last week. I used to explain that all good golfers had one thing in common, good sound fundamentals, aim, grip , posture etc. A GOOD SET UP, which enabled them to then swing the club correctly, thus executing the intended shot.

I needed to apply the same techniques to my Internet Marketing business. Of course there is no book that will instantly make me rich, I was chasing around like the golfer, who has a new swing thought every day, I had a new IM idea every day.

In golf it is proven that a step by step plan through the set up will lead to a LONG LASTING more consistent technique. I would put my students on a minimum six week course, in which I banned them from reading, books, magazines and watching DVD's. I would give them one element of the SET UP such as AIM and that was there weeks practice. Once they had mastered that element ONLY then would we move onto the next project. What happened? I built a "stable" of successful clients and had a record of players who consistently improved and practiced better.

The process I went through in IM was exactly the same. First I had to visualise my "shot". What was it that I was trying to build, for the LONG TERM. Once that was identified which skills did I need to execute it. There are numerous aspects to the SET UP of a successful Internet Marketing business, from building websites, copy writing, SEO, advertising, product selection, the list is extensive. Each skill needs to be learned, and then applied, learn 5 or 6 skills you have a SET UP. Just like golf you have it for life!

There is a $10,000 dollar a month income to be made, but it will not fall in your lap. To succeed takes work. If you have the golfer mentality in you, try and recognise it, not only will your game improve your life will to.

Next time - Step by Step through the IM set up.

Iain Higgins, is an active member of the Professional Golfers Association who still teaches golf today. His golf coaching was limited by injury so he then applied his techniques of golf coaching to IM. Having made $500,000 in two years he turned to training others in Internet Marketing. In 2005 he took 12 students through his Immentor programme and 10 now earn 5 figure monthly incomes.Frannie Blog21309
Vanni Blog57632

The Secret Weapon Every Savvy Exhibitor Should Use

It's time for a visualization exercise. Are you ready?

Picture this:

You're standing, with your booth staff, in your exhibit at a large tradeshow. This is one of the best shows you regularly participate in as it attracts a sizeable number of your target audience. Your team is prepared. Your display looks terrific. You've got interactive demonstrations, you've sponsored a speaker, and your giveaway items convey your marketing message, appeal to your target audience, and are in plentiful supply.

Looks good, right?

There's something in this scene, something I haven't mentioned yet, that could make it all even better. Something that will not only boost your ROI, but will create that most vital of marketing tools.

What is it?

Its a secret weapon thats more than come of age. In fact, its been around since the beginning of time but only now is it realizing its full potential. This build up and suspense is all about word of mouth marketing and how you can use it to your advantage on the tradeshow floor.

I've recently read Seth Godin's Flipping the Funnel, and it really brought home the concept of how underutilized tradeshow attendees are as a marketing tool. Attendees are more than prospects and contacts: they're a potential sales force, just waiting to be tapped on your behalf.

According to Godin, we should:

Turn strangers into friends.
Turn friends into customers.
Turn then ... do the most important job
Turn your customers into sales people.


Why would you want to recruit a whole bunch of amateur salespeople, you might ask, when you already have a perfectly competent, fully trained professional sales team? After all, you've spent considerable resources recruiting, training, and retaining your current team. Isn't that enough?

Frankly, no. Regardless of how big your sales force is, there's no way they're going to be able to connect with every person who might be interested in your products and services. Even working flat out, as Godin suggests, they're not selling as much as you'd like.

This is where your friends and customers enter the picture. If you view them as assets, as allies in the world of sales, you've already expanded your potential marketplace. When more people are working on your behalf, you'll reach more customers. It's simple mathematics.

There's another benefit as well. When your friends and customers recommend your products and services, their words carry far more weight than anything your sales team can say. People value the opinions of colleagues, peers and relatives far more than they do the assurances of a salesperson. It's the difference between editorial speech and advertising, played out in a face-to-face setting.

So Now What?

Being convinced that recruiting tradeshow attendees to act on your behalf is one thing, convincing them to do it is another. According to Godin, we continually spend a tremendous amount of time and energy attempting to spread our marketing message to more and more people. This particularly holds true at tradeshows, where the focus is often on how to attract more people to your exhibit. As well as talk several people at once.

A slight shift in the priorities might be in order. While starting new business relationships will always be important, a new emphasis has been placed on strengthening and maintaining existing relationships.

Consider your current customers. Ask yourself -- or even better, ask them, how they feel about your products and services. How about your customer service? What makes doing business with your organization unique, enjoyable, and/or remarkable?

Whatever the answers, what are you doing to help your customers spread the word? Godin offers a number of technical solutions in his free e-book which I highly recommend that you read, but here are a few more hands-on tools to implement at your next tradeshow:

Be Honest

Tell your best customers how much you appreciate them and how much you would value having more customers like them. It's no secret that you're in business to make money. No one thinks you're at the show as a philanthropic endeavor. Appealing to your customers to spread the word carries with it an implied compliment: You're reinforcing the fact that you think they're important, by extension, that other people think they're important, and that their opinion of you matters.

Encourage Referrals

Do you know how often your customer thinks about your company? It's probably less than 1% of their daily life -- after all, they have their own companies to worry about, and their own customer base, not to mention their own personal lives and world events. Sometimes people need a little prompting to spread the word -- otherwise, it might never, ever occur to them.

Offer Incentives

If you want your customers to do something for you, you need to do something for them. Godin's idea is that by offering superior products and services, in a remarkable fashion, you'll transform customers into fans.

Having strong advocates and supporters never hurts. Offering incentives for spreading the word can be a simple thing an attractive discount on their next order, for example -- or something more elaborate. Remember, as tradeshow attendees skew younger, they may be motivated by more than financial savings or benefits to their company. Consider offering something more personal: a gift that would appeal to your target audience.

In Conclusion

Transforming customers into fans may not have been the top priority on your exhibiting list -- but it should be. Recruiting an all-volunteer sales force to augment your existing efforts is one of the most cost effective ways to get your marketing message out there.

Remember: people like to share stories about what they find good, interesting, or unique. By offering that at your next tradeshow, you're giving yourself a vital leg up on the competition -- those who are concentrating on the next new thing miss out on the value of what they might already have.

Written by Susan A. Friedmann, CSP, The Tradeshow Coach, Lake Placid, NY, author: Meeting & Event Planning for Dummies, working with companies to improve their meeting and event success through coaching, consulting and training. For a free copy of 10 Common Mistakes Exhibitors Make, e-mail:; website: http://www.thetradeshowcoach.comVikky Blog29382
Fanya Blog11210

Do You Know How To Experience Real Internet Marketing Leverage?

Did you know that... certain Master Resale Rights Products or Solutions can be a Great Foundation to the Leverage You need to Experience In Internet Marketing.

Uncover the principle of Leverage as the Key You need for Freedom, everyone that has more than enough understands the truth. Here Are Secrets Revealed Using Master Resale Rights.

First Good Reason to Use Master Resale Rights is Learning to Leverage the Internet Marketing Community.

You need to know the Basics of How the Internet works using a web page. Failure to understand this point will leave You totally dependent on the honesty of others. You need this understanding even if You become a major user of the Real Outsourcing that's available to Your Business.

Did You Know every folder You create on You Domain Server, You need to place an Index File in that folder for security?

Otherwise, everything in that folder is exposed.

Hands on Experience is what You need in the true sense of the word here. I'm a living witness that You can Master enough about HTML code with a few Basics. What You learn just looking at the "Source Code" of a web page of Your Master Resale Products is invaluable. You will master much just working with each web page.

When we first started we had no knowledge, just simple facts like: and then , meaning Bold the text and the end of Bold text.All of this is better Illustrated in a Basic Master Resale Rights Package. This makes for a good case study in the How To Videos made available to Illustrate:

Master Resale Rights will teach You first hand the value of a Highly Responsive Presell Email. Mostly this is the First Base even when we have an excellent Blog in the Mix or a Direct to DeskTop Method used in our Business. That's another topic we've found very effective in detail here:

Matters not what we market we must Master the Presell of our Product or Solution mostly using email online. Knowing this Secret and Mastering How To Apply Related Bonuses with all we Market to our Customers/Clients spells Financial Freedom.

Notice that Marketing is the Key, learn to be more than a peddler of this product and that product just because of the commissions You think that will be received if You by chance are lucky to have any success.

There is a method to this madness and it's called Marketing in Your Business and You must have a plan. Here is one of the Best known to the Internet Marketing Community when You need to Master Writing the Presell Email, Highly Suggested:

I'm sure You have noticed everything we do in Marketing is to Build on that Central Theme started back in December 2001 of Time Saving and Money Making HomeBased Business Resouces. Our Flagship Idea was to evolve in the Internet Marketing Community Using Master Resale Rights as our Training Ground.

Even though about $100,000 a year is a Good Goal to Target, You always must realized that Leverage is still the Key that will bring You more than enough.Everyone that plans to earn $5,000,000 profits from Your endeavors of Marketing Online in say a Seven Year period, let me suggest these Basics are really, really necessary. You need to understand the Basics matter not that there aren't opinions of the other thinking.

Think about it, recently most have come to know that You are very limited without a community of likeminded people in Internet Marketing these days. Moving to the Next Level is the song of Leverage, tune that mostly the Rich and Famous have been able to sing. Have You been Lied to for Years?

They didn't teach these ideas in High School and most of our Schools period. Here is Your WARNING and WAKE UP CALL.

A Storm Is Coming are You Ready? List Building and Affiliate Marketing are Leverage Points that are the Real Deal. You Know it's true if You noticed Your inbox lately and You can Demand that You receive some "How To Information" Without It Costing You and I an Arm and Leg plus Your First Born-):

What will You Master as Your Point of Leverage?

Build Leverage In Your Follow-Up System Using Master Resale Rights a Catalyst In Marketing Mastery Online.From here You can create Your own Products and even Improve on Private Label Rights should You Choose. Improve on the Idea and You make it Your very own. Know the Basics and a LifeStyle of Financial Freedom and Abundance will reign in Life.Think!

Every since I started out Online with Our First Domain in December 2001 being a Christian Business Online has been and always will be most important to me as a person.

Because I'm sure that teaching 5,000,000 persons what I know is this: Grace and Truth were realized in Jesus Christ.

This is our Ultimate Goal and everything else we practice is in support of this idea, I believe and take my stand in the Idea of "Together We Stand". John 1:1-18, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

This remains Our Thought O The Week!

"In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline." --Martin Luther King Jr.

Do you know only true leaders step out front?"

John F. Kennedy, echoing Theodore Roosevelt, stated the idea more eloquently when he said:

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

Living your life on your terms means stepping out on a regular basis. You have a song in your heart. Will you step out from the crowd and sing that song? Will you risk appearing the fool to live your dreams?

It may seem frightening and lonely to step out front. It is, but only for a short time. The comfort of conformity soon pales in comparison to the power, passion and excitement that comes with any bold, new, purposeful action.

You'll soon find others who've stepped out front with you.

They're people like you who've grown weary of living a mediocre existence.

They - like you - will have heeded the whisper of God within, which quietly says "It's your life. Make it great."

Step out front this week. It doesn't have to be a big step.

Maybe you've been thinking about starting your own home- based business. Perhaps you have an idea for your own newsletter. Maybe there's a class you've been wanting to take. Whatever it is, take your first step this week.

If you're not sure what that first step is for you, shoot me a message and we'll come up with it together.

Step out and have a great week!

This is the System we Highly Recommend to Master the Basics as I did Online and You can handle putting most any Product or Solution on the Market whether You created it, a Private Label Product You Improved On or even if You plan to become one to OutSource most parts of every project. The Real Deal!

You can never skip the Basics, it's a neccessary Learning Curve none can avoid that will exceed over $100,000 yearly Internet Marketing Income. Because I know it works so well I suggest You Invest and Begin to Catapult Your Mastery of Marketing Online Starting Today.Because I can help You use this system In a Lifestyle of Freedom even using the Best Online Super Affiliate Marketing Project to date in my Humble Opinion. What do You Think?

Is It Really the most powerful affiliate weapon on the web?

Benefits of knowing the Basics will catapult Your Business to Greater Results, You can't avoid the Learning Curve no matter How You Try.It's Neccessary and the sooner we Discover the truth it's better. Leverage is a by product of Your own Thinking, "Help Enough Other People Get What They Want, and You Can Have Anything You Want" Zig Zigler. Are You Ready for the Coming Storm? Marketing Online Is Better In a Positive Community "Together We Stand".

©2006 Jim R. Legington - All Rights Reserved

You have permission to use and distribute this Article in Your Ezine/Newsletter, Website, Blog, eBook, Reports,as long as You Do Not Alter Any of it's Content and Our Resource Box just below, Must Remain Attached with this Article. Thank You So Much!

Retired FireFighter Jim R. Legington with His Brandable Free Report of "Top Ten One Time offers" shows You How To Discover Viral Marketing Illustrated. Over 40% Conversion Rate To Very Loyal Subscribers Using Best Irresistible Offers Online Today! Blog38568
Fae Blog35743

You Can Start a Restaurant Business Here's How

You Can Start a Restaurant Business Here's How

Those looking to start a restaurant business need to be properly equipped with the right information. Everywhere you look; there is another magazine or a book that promises to help you along the way. But who can you trust? The good news is that there are some simple steps that anyone can take to make sure that you get started on the right foot. Here are four steps that you can start on today to help start a restaurant business.

The First Step: Plan

You can't successfully start a restaurant business if you don't have a plan in place. Planning is the key to making sure that you have all of the information and resources for your restaurant in place ahead of time. This will allow you to make the best decisions for your business. Here are some things you can ask yourself today:

What kind of customer do I want to serve?
Do I have a concept in mind?
Where will I be setting up my restaurant?
What will make my business unique?

You need to write out the ideas that you have so that you can begin to assemble them into a professional and clear business plan. Here's what you need to do for the plan itself.

The Second Step: Make a Physical Business Plan

Many business owners find it beneficial to have a physical piece of paper with their plans to start a restaurant business. With things like restaurant business software, you can build a business plan that's easy to read and for presenting to a bank or a business partner. This plan should include:

All of the things that you listed in the previous step
Plans for financing
Projected sales
Proposed staffing

This plan is really supposed to be a professional layout of how your business is supposed to run. Banks and other partners will want to see these details clearly laid out in order to decide whether or not you are actually set up for success.

The Third Step: Think about the Money

If you don't have the funds already to start a restaurant business, you need to start looking into options. In order to get the money you need to make your initial investments and orders stock, food, staff payments, bills, etc. Thankfully, there are a number of ways that you can go about making these initial payments before you start making profits:

Bank loans
Private loans from private investors

Of course, you can also dip into your own personal savings if you choose to do so, but many small businesses can take advantage of low interest rates, so they might be a good option for the time being.

Step Four: Hire the Right People

You can't start a restaurant business without the right people to greet your customers and serve them well. Many new restaurant owners hire people that they know or they have job fairs to interview multiple people at the same time. Just make sure you know what you want from your employees and don't settle for anything less.

Those are the steps to start a restaurant business. Now, get started!

Samuel Oliver has a site about the Restaurant Business; Restaurant Business MagicFifi Blog31214
Faydra Blog48462

An Integrated Approach To Marketing Is The Key To Online Marketing

Marketing could be described as the key to any business succeeding & surviving in the corporate world. Integrated marketing, or IMC, captures all of the marketing mechanics that exist & utilizes them as a united force rather than let it run on its own individual course. This is all well and good, but what would the benefits be of integrated marketing? Well for starters, integrated marketing leads to an increase in coordination, efficiency and as a turn around create a cost reduction within the company or business.

This is evident in many online marketing campaigns that are launched on the web today that want to be successful. The majority of the online community makes buying/selling decisions or for that fact even registrations through interacting with many integrated marketing tactics.

Lets take a small look & give you a basic idea about all of this. Say you want to start your own business online, you have no start up capital but your enthusiasm is more than enough to compensate for the lack of funds. What do you do? Well you first spend days searching the web for a site that will offer you all the instruments needed to have that solid integrated marketing approach and have your own web site for you to customize, upload & later manage. After many restless nights of searching let me save you some precious time & direct you to a site that at first glance may look too good to be true! ekwa (, an innovative tool in web marketing which comprises of all these features to best suit your needs.

If you run a serious online business your website is probably the major contributing factor to your success, especially if its well-designed, user-friendly and informative. The company website is the prime connection between you and your customer base, upon which every business relies. So, it makes sense that everything a person sees on a website should project an image that is consistent with your corporate identity.

ekwa provides web templates, hosting & one very power packed integrated viral marketing package that enables you to carry out your comprehensive viral marketing campaign. Apart from all that now ekwa introduces ekwa lite which wont cost you 10$ not even 1$. You know what, dont even pull your wallet out as this entire ekwa lite package is absolutely FREE! integrates all of the needed marketing tools (blogs, publishing opportunities, having access to ekwa community, photo sharing, web site templates & many more) for you to succeed.

Dhanushka Fernando Is the Media and Client Marketing Manager for ekwa Labs. Check out their new ekwa lite package for FREE by visiting Blog70421
Vania Blog60311

Enhance Your Hope With A Helium Advertising Balloon

This is the age of consumers. The whole world is on mission to please them. But with the overused techniques of airing commercials in television or radio and even Internet pop ups there are hardly any novelty left. Your ads may boast of a six-digit budget but money cannot buy freshness. Be simple and show off your ad in a Helium balloon. Advertising balloon will add a unique flavor to your efforts.

There are many types of advertising balloons you can choose from. You have giant blimps and tiny dwarf blimps with all the sizes in-between .The shapes and colors are virtually unlimited. You can rent or purchase a readymade one. Or if you want to add a touch of specialty customize your ad balloon as per your choice. As for words, you can be a minimalist with only your company name and contact number printed on the surface of the blimp or you can be a full phrased advertiser and can adorn your balloon with some precious artwork.

Don't think that your floating ad will die soon. Ad balloons today are made from sturdy materials and have long lives. You can be spoilt for choices if you want to give your ad a different dimension with advertising balloon. You can opt from:

Cold Air Inflatable - These balloons stand almost 25 feet tall and are filled with cold air blowers. They are best for large outside spaces.

Parade Balloons - The best way to communicate your message to a community is to make your statement shown on a huge parade balloon. You can customize your message in the balloon and a large portion of a mass will view it.

Helium Blimps - These Ad blimps range from 7feet to 30 feet. Customize them with your company name and logo and be rest assured to grab the attention.

Large Helium Balloon - These are enormous attention grabbers. Put up one and experience the increase in your consumer traffic.

If you want standing ads to demonstrate your business theme go for standing balloons or dancing balloons. Tether a massive colorful dancing giant and draw as much crowd as you want. But remember that these dancers dance best on calm days and have a tendency to fall if winds blow over 20 miles per hour. If you want your business to fly high, use helium filled balloons. They float high and make people turn heads. Remember to tie one end or your dream will wander away.

Helium is a noble gas, which is lighter than air and makes excellent Helium balloon. Advertising balloon filled with Helium is immune to flame and has a very low boiling and melting point, which makes the helium balloon safe except in extreme conditions.

Advertising balloons can be used anywhere on the streets, over stadiums, and fairs. You can also mount your dreams on a Helium giant on top of a building and attract gazes.

Why do we use ad balloons?

- You can enhance your client relationship.

- You have to spend much less than other ad forms. You are spared of billboard fees, rental fees and other advertisement costs.

- You can attract a greater customer percentage with a small budget. Ad balloons boost up small businesses so that they can compete with big businesses.

- With a helium balloon you are flying your brand name with the revenue of greater brand awareness.

- Your sales will swell.

- You can easily attract the media and foster a better PR relationship.

- The advertising balloons are flexible and you can move them anywhere you want.

Be the owner of advertisement sky and delight people with stunning visuals with a Helium balloon.

Jess Trent is a successful writer and publisher of advertisement related issues, for more informative articles go to Blog84141
Valene Blog35826

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


How To Create Profits Using Viral Marketing Techniques

The Difference Among Viral, Buzz, and Word-of-Mouth

There are certain words, jargon that stands in for theory, that starts with marketing industry insiders and before you know it becomes the 'in' subject of books, blogs, articles, and MBA dissertations. But as jargon filters down to the less sophisticated, the meaning and ideas behind these words becomes lost. Such is the case with the current state of thinking on Buzz, Viral, and Word-of-Mouth marketing.

These terms are often used interchangeably but are they the same thing? Dave Balter and John Butman in their book, "Grapevine,' describe Buzz as a marketing tactic aimed at generating publicity or awareness often without regard to any specific message, while Viral marketing is a means of spreading a marketing message through the use of contagious creative most often Web-video and Word-of-Mouth is the process of product story-telling. Balter's marketing agency concentrates on creating word-of-mouth campaigns for his clients but the name of his company is BzzAgent - no wonder the confusion.

Mark Huges, author of the book 'Buzz Marketing- Get People to Talk About Your Stuff' points out that in order to create buzz about your company or product you must develop a marketing campaign that incorporates at least one, and preferable more, of his Six Elements of Buzz:

1. Taboo,
2. Unusual,
3. Outrageous,
4. Hilarious,
5. Remarkable, and
6. Secret.

It would seem that these six elements are the same elements that generate the contagious spread of information - Viral marketing. In order for something to become viral, people must talk about it, ergo word-of-mouth. But people can talk and spread the word of a video or stunt without ever generating much talk about the product. The famous, or infamous, Oprah Winfrey-General Motors audience car give-away stunt is a prime example of generating talk about a stunt without generating much talk about the product. If as Balter suggest, word-of-mouth is 'product story-telling,' then there is definitely a difference between Buzz and Word-of-Mouth.

So if Buzz is the tactic for drawing attention to your company; and Viral is the method of spreading the message; and Word-of-Mouth is the result; we then have a clear distinction between the three marketing terms.

The question is how can we construct a Web-based marketing campaign that uses the Buzz tactic, Viral method, and Word-of-Mouth message to produce the ultimate marketing objective: more sales and profits; and are Huges' Six Elements of Buzz the only media attributes that deliver a marketing stir?

Solve The Marketing Mystery: Discover Means + Motive + Opportunity

We've all watched enough 'Law and Orders' on television to know that solving a mystery requires learning the means, motive and opportunity of the puzzle. For today's marketers these elements are clear.

Motive: to attract attention, breed interest, stimulate desire, and generate action that ultimately produces increased sales and profits.

Means: the advent of relatively low cost desktop digital video tools and the creation of a new class of professional multimedia Web-video producers brings affordable multimedia creative to businesses that in the past could not afford professional video content.

Opportunity: the penetration of high-speed Internet connections plus the Web's ability to delivery multimedia audio and video combined with the introduction of Web-video search databases by dominant Internet players like Google and YouTube create the necessary opportunity.

Why Web-Video Solves the Buzz-Viral-Word-of-Mouth Mystery

1. The 5 Strategic Goals of Marketing
2. The Anthropomorphization of Brands
3. Maslow's Extended Hierarchy of Needs
4. The 5 Elements of Communication

The 5 Strategic Goals of Marketing

Increased sales and profits is every company's prime motive, however, in order to achieve those goals, certain intermediate objectives must be met, especially as it concerns the Web that by its nature is a sterile, remote environment. Marketing campaigns should be constructed to provide the appropriate audiences with five essential elements:

a. Awareness
b. Emotional Utility
c. Functional Utility
d. Process Facility
e. Confidence

Target audiences must be made aware of the company's existence and must be made to comprehend its relevance to their needs; and market audiences must be provided with a platform to participate or get involved with the company.

A successful marketing campaign must tap into an audience's need for emotional utility, a quality created in the audience's collective consciousness from brand personality resulting from corporate behavior and audience experience.

The campaign must also be able to speak to the functional utility of the company's products or services. Hard information and easily understood instructions must be made available so that customers are actually able to generate the promised benefits of the product or service.

The campaign must facilitate the process of moving potential customers easily and conveniently from awareness, to utility, to incentive, to sale. The process must be transparent and mechanisms must be put in place to accommodate customers when things go wrong.

The campaign must also create confidence in the organization's ability to deliver the promised benefits both emotional and functional.

The Anthropomorphization of Brands

More marketers are beginning to appreciate the effect of brand personality on their relationships with customers and prospects. It is apparent that markets have a clear idea as to a brand's personality, whether a company pays attention to it or not. And just as significantly, it is clear that companies can't just change their television commercials or advertising agency to overcome an unwanted or undesirable personality.

Brand personality is a function of audience experience: everything from the way you respond to telephone inquiries, to users ability to comprehend packaging instructions, to your website and email inquiry response times. No amount of smiling friendly faces in advertisements will make up for the irritation of a multiple-transfer-disconnect when trying to resolve a problem over the telephone.

Companies are ultimately separate entities whose personalities are composed of a collective consumer consciousness created through experience, interpreted from a very human perspective. It is human nature to anthropomorphize non-human entities in order to better deal with them. Batra, Lehman & Singh point out in their 1993 paper that there are five significant human personality traits.

The Big Five Human Personality Traits:

1. Extroversion/Introversion,
2. Agreeableness,
3. Consciousness,
4. Emotional Stability, and
5. Culture.

Jennifer Aaker in her 'Journal of Marketing Research' article, Dimensions of brand personality, relates the Big Five Human Personality Traits to the Big Five Brand Personality Traits.

Big Five Brand Personality Traits:

1. Sincerity,
2. Excitement,
3. Competence,
4. Sophistication,
5. Ruggedness.

When companies build a website or implement any marketing initiative there are consequences in the market collective; managing those consequences is critical to not just developing a brand personality but managing and fostering it to meet your ultimate marketing motive; generating more sales and profits.

Maslow's Extended Hierarchy of Needs as it relates to Marketing

Abraham Maslow, who was the chairman of the psychology department at Brandeis University in the early 1950's, developed a theory for the hierarchy of human needs. Before his death in 1970 he revised his theory by extending the hierarchy to include higher value components.

The bottom of the pyramid starts with our physiological needs: the need to maintain physical well-being and self-preservation; as you move up the pyramid the needs become more socio-cultural: the need to be accepted in society; while at the top of the list the needs become more abstract and intellectual as they relate to self-identity and the need to communicate that identity to others.

Maslow's Extended Hierarchy of Needs

1. Physiological Needs
Water, food, sleep, warmth, health, exercise, sex.

2. Safety & Security Needs
Physical safety, economic security, comfort, peace, freedom from threats.

3. Social Needs
Peer acceptance, group membership, love, and association with successful groups.

4. Self-esteem Needs
Association with importance projects, recognition of strength, intelligence, prestige and status.

5. Self-actualization Needs
Need to take on challenging projects, opportunities for innovation and creativity, learning at a high level.

6. Cognitive Needs
Need to acquire knowledge and to understand that knowledge.

7. Aesthetic Needs
Need for beauty balance, structure.

As marketers, Maslow provides us with a blueprint for developing a brand personality that can effectively deliver a compelling, comprehensible, effective marketing message. Decide which of Maslow's needs your company satisfies and then construct a marketing plan that delivers both the personality and message that speaks to those needs.

We are lucky to live in the age of the Internet, for even the smallest of companies has the opportunity to communicate its brand personality and marketing message using the most effective communication environment ever invented, The Web.

The 5 Elements of Communication

To effectively take advantage of the Web's ability to communicate, you must understand the five elements of communication:

1. The Environment: the Web is a sterile environment that needs to be humanized in order to effectively deliver your brand personality and marketing message.

2. The Message: the Web is an information-infotainment environment where compelling, informative, memorable content is paramount.

3. The Messenger: the Web is a one-to-one communication system compared to traditional broadcast and print communication that is a one-to-many system.

4. The Audience: the Web is a place where visitors choose to visit you, do not short change them with second-rate information, poorly delivered in unimaginative, ascetically challenged presentations.

5. The Process: the Web's multimedia audio and video capabilities combined with the penetration of high-speed access makes for the perfect system to deliver brand personality and needs related marketing messages that humanize your website, speak directly to your audience on a one-to-one basis, and inform, enlighten and entertain your audience in a compelling, memorable manner.


There has always been an ongoing business battle between those responsible for technology services and those responsible for marketing services. The Internet may be a great technological achievement, and it no doubt can be used to provide extremely useful technological solutions, but at its core and from its earliest pre-Web days, it was always a way to connect and communicate information and ideas, and isn't that the essence of marketing?

The need for businesses to create awareness (Buzz), to spread that awareness throughout the marketplace (Viral), and to involve an audience in the spread of needs fulfillment (Word-of-Mouth) is achieved by taking advantage of the Web's multimedia communication capabilities. In short, the Web is a communication tool that can be used by marketers to speak with a human voice and human face directly to your attentive publics on a personal, human, one-to-one basis in order to achieve the prime business motive: more sales and profits.

Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a Thornhill, Ontario based website design firm that specializes in delivering their North American clients' marketing messages using the latest audio, video, and interactive Flash presentation techniques to create compelling, informative and memorable Web-experiences that enhance brand personality and increase sales and profits. Visit, Contact at or telephone (905) 764-1246.Floris Blog42643
Vivia Blog18775

Article Marketing & Book Promotion: Promote Your Book To The Top of The NY Times Best Sellers List

Although, Mark Hyman, M.D, the New York Times Best Selling author, and practicing physician, had a strong, multi-faceted marketing and sales plan in place, the addition of an article marketing strategy helped him in his successful quest to push his book, UltraMetabolism The Simple Plan For Automatic Weight Loss to the #2 spot of the NY Times Best Seller List. Dr. Hymans article marketing campaign was only one piece of the puzzle, but an important piece that helped him establish key relationships with website publishers that will result in increased, targeted traffic and stronger sales for many months and years to come.

By including a targeted article marketing program into your marketing and sales plan, you too could achieve book-marketing success. Doing this effectively requires planning and perfect execution from beginning to end:

Step 1: Create An Article That Grabs Readers Interest

One of the most important parts of the article is the title. Remember, the first 3-4 words of your article title have the most weight with Google and other search engines. The point of the title is to intrigue your audience to actually sit down and read the article. You may even want to offer an outrageous proposition that you can fulfill within your article body as we have with the title of this article.

The articles that get the best results are the ones that provide unique, high quality content that solve at least one piece of a problem puzzle. However, to convert readers to buyers, you must not give the reader all of the answers to the HOW to solve a particular problem. Instead you want to tease them with some of the how and top it off with the why its important.

Step 2: Turn Readers Into Prospects With A Strong Call For Action And An Offer They Cant Refuse

You want to encapsulate the essence of what makes you and your offering unique. This is your Unique Selling Proposition. Do this by chiseling away the information that no one cares about from your golden nuggets. Refine them into gleaming insights. Hammer them into logical sequence. Fasten them to reader benefits. Then polish and polish it until your fingers ache, to create a glittering necklace of persuasion that seduces the eye, charms the imagination, and dazzles the reader with so much human interest that it is indeed much easier to click and go to your website than skip.

If you add a free bonus offer, you will make it even easier for readers to click to your website. You can offer a sneak preview of your book, a free ezine subscription, or a free special bonus report that further enhances your credibility as the expert.

Step 3: Maintain Reader Interest & Create a Squeeze Page

Think of your article as a sales funnel. Your article title, content, bio box and the link you send your readers to should all flow right into each other. Including a link to the main page only distract and frustrate readers. You will lose that sale forever.

When you promote your book in your bio box, then take them to a squeeze page within your site that convinces people why they should either buy the book or why they should subscribe.

Step 4: Target Your Audience With Ezines & Websites That Make a Difference

You need to find websites that are highly visited and ezines that are the most read, but more importantly, you want to focus on websites and ezine publishers within your specific niche that have strong emotional connections to their audiences. Through our research for Mark Hyman MD, we found information for a popular editor. is among the top 50 sites on the net today. This submission resulted in over 1,500 opt-in and new sales in one day, not counting the successes from other credible websites.

Step 5: Submit Your Article & Build Your Links and Traffic

Now is the time to perform the tiring, boring and tedious task of submitting your articles. But, as you completing this process, know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. By using these article marketing strategies, you can build a steady stream of warm ready-to-buy visitors and substantially increase your book sales

By including article marketing into your multi-faceted marketing and sales plan, you too can achieve success in marketing your book. You will then only be limited by your imagination and your time. The question is, What is your destination?

Article marketing expert and award-winning public relations practitioner, Eric Gruber helped promote Mark Hyman MDs book to the top of the NY Times Best Seller List. For a free consultation on how to substantially increase your book sales using todays hottest Internet marketing strategies, email or go to to have Eric manage your article marketing campaign. Valeria Blog56221
Vinni Blog95587

Pick Your Niche

It's common wisdom that all any service professional or consultants needs to be successful is "passion". Let it be known here that passion alone can be overrated. When you're building a practice, you need more than passion. You need more than a high level of dedication and energy to succeed. You need a plan. A marketing plan with a marketing budget to be exact.

We've all seen this scenario played out in some form in your hometown. Typically, it begins as some starry-eyed owner rents retail space. The newly minted entrepreneur then spends his capital on cash registers, inventory and store signage.

When it's time to open the doors to the shop, the owner is tapped out. The new business, struggling along on the thread bare path of "word of mouth" waits impatiently as bills mount and customers trickle in at a painfully slow pace. Within a matter of months, the newly opened store is finally spending some money on marketing, only it's being spent advertising a "Going Out Of Business" sale.

To avoid the same fat, you need a marketing plan (a part of your overall business plan). Your marketing plan should begin with a thorough investigation into your target market.

* Who are your customers?
* Who is the competition?
* What problems do they have?
* What problems can you solve?
* Is someone willing and able to write a check to hire you to solve the above mentioned problems?

Once you've answered the questions above, you can successfully pick your "niche" market. The wonderful thing about niche markets is they are tightly targeted. That means your marketing dollars go further.

Marketing is merely a matter of bringing the solutions your target market is looking for to the attention of those who will benefit the most.

By defining those who will benefit most from your goods or services, you narrow your focus. Instead of "spraying and praying" with your marketing message, you're speaking directly to your target audience. That cuts down considerably on your overall marketing expenses.

Finally, remember that marketing is not sales. Marketing is focused on the sales you'll make next quarter and beyond. In sales, the focus is upon the sales to be made THIS quarter. Focusing on next quarter's marketing will make next quarter's sales goal a whole lot easier to make!

Kathy Hendershot-Hurd is a Small Business Internet Consultant. She launched her web development firm Virtual Impax ( in 1997. She recently authored the book "Beyond the Niche: Essential Tools You Need to Create Marketing Messages that Deliver Results." Visit the Beyond Niche Marketing Blog at Blog1455
Fey Blog29325

What Is So Different About The Berry Tree?

The Berry Tree offers a new and unique form of marketing, with a patent pending system that enables you to participate in a business where your advertising is included and managed by world-class marketers. Unlike typical Internet or Network Marketing, where the only way to make money is to sell products or sponsor people, The Berry Tree's fully automated system handles the sales and prospecting for you.

The Berry Tree is one of the most hands off opportunities ever put together. Passive members can just pay their memberships and then watch their business grow.

How is this possible? The creators have set up a system that guarantees success by doing the advertising for their members. So, if you join and do not quit you will have the opportunity to share on the money earned by every member, even those that joined before you!

This system is so unique that it is actually patent pending. It may just revolutionize the network marketing industry. How many programs do you know of that can provide an additional revenue stream without additional work?

Your membership includes corporate managed advertising which is used to bring in new members and customers. They buy in bulk and work with some of the top ad agencies in the world to get more of every dollar.

Even though you do not have to actually do anything to build your Berry business there are two ways to make more money, faster:

1. The advertising that is included in all memberships builds your business.

This guaranteed advertising brings in new members that are distributed evenly all through the existing members downline. New members are placed under existing members depending on their enrollment date. Since your membership actually includes advertising to help build your business your success does not depend on your marketing experience only.

The more members that join, the more advertising dollars there are to grow your business.

2. Advertise on your own to build your Berry business.

If you would like to make more money, faster you can also sponsor others. This will allow you to get into profit faster and you also get to earn on everyone in the program. Even those who joined before you!

There is no other program like this one.

* You will be placed in the highest position based on enroll date.

* Your branches are filled by the company and members who joined before you.

* You automatically get multiple profit centers.

* You have the ability to earn on EVERYONE in the company.

* You have the option of a Powerline Income with the Passive Income Bonus.

* The Sr. Certificate gives enables you to earn at a higher level than you have achieved.

Another unique feature of the program is that as your business grows and you move up you can participate in Bonus Pools. What this means is that you can begin to earn extra money on all the Berry Tree members, no matter who sponsored them or when they joined.

There are six ways to earn:

1. The Tree will be Filled by enroll date.

2. Multiple Profit Centers - Automatically allows you to double or triple your check!

3. Fast Start Bonus. Earn $27.00 on personal referrals.

4. Leadership Bonuses. Allows you to earn on every member in the company.

5. Passive Income Bonus. Even more ways to earn.

6. Customer Orders. Earn 30% on Customers.

The Berry Tree may just be the program you are looking for, especially if you do not like to personally refer others.

They are currently in the pre launch phase so now is the time to get in on this great opportunity.

It is unlike anything found on the internet today.

The higher positions are the most valuable due to the way the members will be placed from the guaranteed advertising.

So take action now and start your online business today!

Copyright 2007 Joe Rispoli

Joe Rispoli has been involved with Network Marketing for over 10 years. Get the absolute best postion available in the BerryTree right now, right here: http://www.TheBerryTreeTour.comFreddy Blog82102
Verna Blog58169

Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Each search engine has a database of all web sites. When you search for any term in search engines, they actually search in their database and show the results from their database. As a user, when you need to find information on a topic, you use search engines to get a listing of web sites related to the topic of interest. As a webmaster, you want your site to be one of the first ones the user will see. How can the web designer make sure you are noticed? That is where effective search engine optimization comes in.

Search Engine Optimization is the process where a website is optimized to get better ranking in search results in popular search engine. As a website owner, you must aim to get listed in top 10 results for your sites primary keywords. You must do several optimizations in your website to appear in search results. This process is called as

Search Engine Optimization. Search engine works through the better understanding of algorithm, which are but the rules which governs and helps the search engine to rank the respective sites.

The ranking depends on various factors:


Keyword is the term used for words included in a web page that would match words used by web surfers in finding that web page. Each web page has different ranking for different keywords. Search engine sorts the keywords and displays the results.

Keyword Research: The search for keywords related to your Web site, and the analysis of which ones yield the highest return on investment. The search engine research the keywords and rank the website. If your site has higher rank than other site, then your page will appear on top.

Keyword density: Measure of how frequently a given keyword appears within a given web page. Improving the keyword density on your website is one of the fastest and simplest ways to increase your sites visibility in the search engine results pages. If your keyword occurs only once or twice in a page of 500 or more words, obviously it has a lower keyword density than a keyword that would occur six or seven times in a page of similar length. As far as search engines are concerned, if a particular keyword has a higher density on that particular web page, then the chances of that page obtaining a much better search engine ranking increases almost exponentially.

Optimized content

The success of website is changing and optimizing the content on a regular basis is important. Therefore, we must routinely change your web site to test and see what changes work and what changes do not work when trying to achieve top ranking.

Meta tags:

If the word or phrase appears in the HTML title tag, that website will be considered the most relevant. Also, if the word appears close to the top of the first web page, for instance, the home page, the relevancy will be ranked accordingly.

Meta tags are information inserted in the head title of your web pages.

Link Building Services

Evaluate the source page:- Before assigning a value for a link, the search engine evaluate the rank for the page itself. If you get link from site that are related to your content, it has more value.

Site Submission

If you have a web page that is not linked by any other page that page may never get indexed by any search engine.

Internet Marketing

E-mail: - It is always better to have an e-mail to link to other website to promote the products. When we promote products and services, the other website come to know about our site. By sending e-mail, you get some quality link to your sites.

Choose partner for online marketing and advertisement: Make use of the website to evaluate the marketing effectiveness. By giving advertisement also, you can promote your site.


Increased usability:- More people visit the site, which lead to increased sales and generation.

EGB systems is a professional Copywriter of EGB Systems & Solutions Inc. He written many articles about Search engine optimization - For more information about software development and medical services contact him at Blog1292
Valry Blog42580

How to Explode the Traffic to your Website for little or no cost

Let me start off by saying that there are millions of people around the world online today either trying to sell something or looking for a new home based business opportunity to get involved in. The Internet is the one place where you can capture the multitude of new people coming online everyday looking for a way to make some money. So how do we get these prospects to view our website or product without spending a fortune?

Listed below are the top 5 ways to start to get massive amounts of traffic to your website.

Viral marketing classified site

Get involved in a viral marketing classified site. The one I recommend to all my clients is The signup is free and there are no hidden costs down the line. Remember the illegal pyramid schemes that cropped up about 10 years ago that promised you to get rich for just a small investment if you signed up 5 people and they did the same and so on. Well this is the same concept however it works incredible with classified ads. Visit the site for full details and view the How to Promote page. Plus with thousands of new people coming online everyday looking for a money making opportunity this can literally go on forever! Its a must to include with the promotion of your website or product.

Email signature file

This may sound obvious but many people do not include this simple method of getting free hits to their website. Include an email signature file in every one of your emails. In this signature file that goes at the bottom of your email message include a short description of the product you are currently promoting with a link attached for people to visit your site. Think of all the emails that you get in a day. With this short message at the end of each of your email replies you wont believe how many extra hits you will get to your site. It even works well with junk email that you get from other people trying to get you to visit their sites. Just reply back with something like this:

Thanks will check it out

Plus add your signature file here.

People will be curious and click on your signature file, and you will receive a bunch of extra hits from the people that were sending you junk mail.

Submit an Article to Online Directories

One of the best ways to get an incredible amount of free traffic to your site is though articles that you write and submit to online directories. Website owners and Ezine publishers are always looking for good articles with fresh material that they can include in their websites and newsletters. Its really not that difficult just sit down and think of all the interesting things about your product that people would be interested in. Right a short say 500 word article and submit it and you wont believe how fast your article will be picked up. The way you get hits to your website is through the resource box that is listed at the end of the article. This is where you say a little something about yourself and include a link to whatever you are promoting. There are 1,000s of directories to submit your article to, and the best way to minimize the time involved is to submit your article using special software created just for this purpose. If you would like a list of the best ones available at the present time, just send me an email with Article Submitters in the subject line. The one thing I must warn you is not to make your article sound too much like a sales letter for your product or the directories wont accept your article for distribution.

Free, Free, Free

People love to get things free, whether its an ebook you have written, or some kind of new software that will help them promote their product online. There are even ebooks out there that you can get the resale rights to and rebrand it with your name. By giving something away free is a perfect way to get new names to promote your product to. Here is how I promote a free ebook and always get a big response.

Free Ebook - Traffic generation with an amazing viral idea Plus no name or email address required.

So do some research and find yourself a couple of free items what you can promote which will again attract free visitors to your web site.

New Cutting Edge Marketing Method

So far everything I have mentioned in this article has been free for getting traffic to your website. There is one new piece of software that I have come across that I thing will explode the traffic that you will get to your website. I feel its the most incredible advertising method that I have seen in a long time. Its called Peel away ads and the curiosity that it instills is a must to include in any marketing campaign. Check it out at the site listed below and you will see what I mean:

So as you can see it doesnt take a ton of money to start to get a massive of traffic to your website with the things incorporated from above. If you have any questions about the items listed here please feel free to email me at and I would be happy to answer you as soon as I can.

Until next time,


Tony Stoffo has been a successful Entrepreneur online since the late 90s and is the author of the best selling book entitled Money Management Tony can be reached at for items pertaining to this article. Fawna Blog99902
Vernice Blog5185
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